星期五, 3月 30, 2007

片語動詞 - Run Over / See About

run over

a. run over (to) 跑上前;奔向(某人)
When you run from where you are to where someone else is, you run over or run over to that person.

I saw a man hitting a child, and I ran over and stopped him.

When I saw Melanie, I ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

b. run...over (車輛)輾過;壓過
When you drive over people or things with a car, truck, or other vehicle, causing damage, injury, or death, you run them over.

John was run over by a bus and killed.

I ran over a glass bottle and got a flat tire.

c. run over 溢出
When liquid in a container fills the container and goes over the top, it runs over.

Keep an eye on the bathtub so that it doesn’t run over.

There’s too much water in this pot. It’s going to run over the side.

d. run over 超過(限度)
When you go beyond a limit, you run over or run over the limit.

I hope the 11:00 meeting doesn’t run over; I’m meeting a client for lunch at 12:00.

The speaker was given fifteen minutes for her speech, but she ran over.


a. see...about (找人)安排;處理
When you talk to someone to get permission for something or to arrange something, you see about it or see someone about it.

Is Luis going to see about changing his flight from the fifth to the sixth?

The carpet in my office is filthy. I need to see the maintenance guy about getting it shampooed.

b. see about 設法防止或扭轉(改變、新措施等)
When you are upset about a change or a new policy, and you want to say that you will take some action or talk to someone in authority to prevent or reverse the change or new policy, you say “I’ll see about that” or “We’ll see about that.”

Now they’re saying I can’t even smoke in my own office. I’ll see about that!

Those crooks in City Hall want to double my real estate taxes. We’ll just see about that.
