星期六, 4月 04, 2009

Lawrence Choi 實用英語話你知:吃力不討好 (Thankless)

一位作家談論天文台的工作時,說天氣預測通常是吃力不討好的工作。當預測證明是正確時,沒有人會感謝你。Predicting the weather is usually a thankless task。When the forecasts prove right, no one ever thanks you。 前年,某超級市場為了鼓勵顧客自備購物袋,曾勸告使用該公司膠袋的顧客捐款給慈善機構。但運動推行後不久,公司就通知前線員工不要再要求顧客捐款,並引述高級管理層說該籌款運動是吃力不討好的工作。They received instructions from management to stop asking customers to donate, citing senior management finding the fund drive a thankless task.

Thankless是「吃力不討好」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:She has the thankless task of trying to rehabilitate these young criminals是「她做的是幫助這些年輕罪犯改過自新這樣一類吃力不討好的工作」。

Lawrence Choi
